
By Justenj0y

Happy Endings

The memories came flooding back when I saw this sorry sight earlier today. Burstow WI was formed pre 1920 in the early days of the organisation and were a flourishing WI undertaking lots of activities both locally and in the wider area. They owned this hut and met here for many years and certainly before their neighbours, the M23 and Gatwick airport came into being.
Sadly though as time progressed their numbers started to dwindle. With too few people available to help with the upkeep of their meeting place it became cold, damp and dangerous and their future looked bleak.
But one day someone made them an offer for the property which they happily accepted. This meant that they could move to a new hall not too far away which was warm, dry and offered every facility a WI could want. Their numbers increased and (wait for it!) they lived happily ever after!

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