White House hotel

This was morning photo before leaving for shopping centre (where we are selling the wine)... lovely sunny morning after very windy night... very "British" weather - four seasons in one day... and in that rather sad modern / Western way, most of the day is spent in the very artificial environment of a shopping centre, with no idea of the external conditions.
The best news is that having been told I'd be sharing a room with a stranger I somehow got a room to myself each night. Financially it's been a disaster - £6 a night allowance doesn't come close to covering costs - even using the "lighter bites" menu it's still £12 for a meal and a drink - and me being me, that was doubled by buying "a round" for everyone. And another blank day (that's two out of three), plus my best appointment of the week on Thursday has been "stolen" from me (long story), plus someone else is now visiting my customers in Grimsby and Cleethorpes (again, long story). Still, on the bright side, today I was paid by far my largest salary - 3x higher than my monthly wage for January to June before sales started picking up. Just need somehow to find a rich vein of customers ready to splash out for Christmas in order to remain on course to meet my yearly target (£100,000).

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