4.day of CBSeason challenge: by the rapids

Some time ago one of my aquintances told about the small rapids nearby. The idea to see the rapids had crawled into my mind.

Today after the workday it was not raining, but almost a warm and nice evening +7c. Knees tolerable and needed excercise... so...

So... I had a quick meal (our son had made spagetti bolognese as he came home earlier than I) and I jumped on my bicycle. Almost 5km yo the rapids and walking in the forest was hard task. I had tight knee support on and fortunately my prince charming (=hubby) had came with me... he was a big help in the forest!

Worth bicycling and climbing, don't you think..?

Back home at sevenish in the evening. Warmed up the sauna and looking forward to good night sleep.

Thanks for the Blip Community for Coloured Season Theme


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