Anni Mamundi

By An1ma

Help me...

...I'm locked up.
(I blame all these leaves on the line).

It's been another funny day.
The lovely Craftsman who was supposed to come at the crack of dawn (to mend a door) called off, owing to the old unforeseen. (So we were up at an unearthly hour for no good reason. Sigh.).

Then I shopped for a gift for a young lady. Found an Ideal Thing.
An Ideal (and bargain!) Thing of a Large and Unusual Shape.
I carried it home on foot (you wouldn't think it was far) but it fought back all the way, as the wind kept catching it and, it being light in weight kept waving around my head like a seagull trying to steal a bag of chips.
More than two people stopped me and asked if I was OK.
(I don't know what they imagined I was doing :-/ ).
When I arrived  back Chez Nous, Himself barely looking up (and ever the pragmatist) said, 'How are you planning to post it?'

I hadn't thought of that.

Two hours I spent :-/
Creating a bespoke coffin box.
(Which although I say it myself took on quite a jaunty 'Work of Art' persona in its own right.
Give or take the parcel tape). 

I strode back into town to put the Thing in the post.
The lovely post office man (really, he is so lovely!) was incredibly apologetic, 'I'm sorry  but it's going to cost £8.94 to send this'.


Good thing it was a bargain to begin with really.

I headed for home, having quite mislaid the spring in my step, pondering on the philosophy surrounding the word 'bargain'.

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