Poor Roger
Roger had a trip to the vets today for round two of his jabs. Doesn't make me want to dissolve into tears like it does when the boys have their jabs. All was pretty straight forward, although just like all good cats, he was less than impressed with being in a cat basket (a step up from the box and packing tape of last time).
Our day started with the kettle blowing the electrics, we think the kettle has died, I'm a little sad, I've had it for over 15 years. At lunch time, the toaster also blew the electrics, so either we have had a crazy coincidence and both have broken on the same day, or there's a problem with our wiring. I hope that the toaster isn't broken, as I'm also weirdly attached to that, I think it's probably about 20 years old.
The youngest is still poorly, I told a little white lie at playgroup today, saying the he'd had a change of clothes because his nappy was the wrong size and had leaked.... nothing to do with it being something a lot more 'yucky' and it had all leaked out... I would have had some very upset mothers on my hands if they had known. In my defence, that was the worst he has been, I would have kept away if that had happened before we went out. Fingers crossed, they are both on the mend, supper went down a treat.
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