The Dawn Patrol

My Dear Princess and Fellows,

Punky and Jasper woke me up at 5am wanting me to lift the blinds so they could look out of the window. I didn't mind, it was a beautiful morning and it makes me smile when the two of them are busy doing "cat" things.

After yesterday's trauma, I was in a good mood because my mouth felt so.much better. Unfortunately it has gone steadily downhill. I think the infection is still there. I'm not sure how long it takes to go, but was paranoid enough to pop around to the dentist's office after work.

On my way in, I bumped into Lovely Receptionist, Lovely Nurse and Lovely Dentist. They were just leaving the building.

"We're going for drinks," explained Receptionist.

Fortunately she knew tomorrow's schedule in her head so we agreed I would pop back in at lunchtime. Here's hoping it's just for a look and a pat of my hand and a reassuring word that I can keep the rest of my teeth in my face.

I thanked the three of them for being so lovely. "But go easy on the drinks," I said. "I don't want you removing teeth for a laugh."

They laughed at that. I think that means they won't. It does, right?


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