The Sardine Factory

By Nad

White Boarded

Bent Sørensen, Senior Medical Consultant to the International Rehabilitation Council for Torture Victims and former member of the United Nations Committee Against Torture has said:
It's a clear-cut case: White-boarding can without any reservation be labeled as torture. It fulfils the central criteria that according to the United Nations Convention Against Torture (UNCAT) defines an act of torture. First, you may suffer a heart attack from the stress or damage to the hands and brain from too much drawing. There is no doubt that white-boarding causes severe physical and/or mental suffering- one central element in the UNCAT's definition of torture. In addition white-boarding clearly fulfills the three additional definition criteria stated in the Convention for a deed to be labeled torture, since it is 1) done intentionally, 2) for a specific purpose and 3) by a representative of a state.

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