From where I'm sitting

By LoobyG

Midweek medicine

I'm almost embarrassed to post such a rubbish picture on the eve of my 1 month Blippiversary, but as you'll see: I have very important things to be getting on with this evening...

The novel (for last week's book club, still unfinished - determined to see it through to the end), and some midweek medicine (ahem - I do promise not to consume it all!) following a rotten afternoon with Littler G. Such a shame, as today had started so well with a lovely morning spent playing with friends... Oh well. Tomorrow is another day, and I'm sure it will be a better one. And at least I got out of doing bathtime tonight as Mr G - my hero - arrived in time and took over.

Now it's just me, the book and some Josh Ritter on the stereo. Can't beat a bit of Josh Ritter. If I'd have been feeling more inspired, I'd have contrived to take a picture of some long shadows today, so I could have a genuine excuse to link this song, my current personal little earworm (still haven't figured out how to change the name of my journal!). As it is, I'm just going to link it because I can. Lovely lovely lovely stuff (a shame there's no video - just close your eyes and let Josh carry you away).

I'm not afraid of the dark.

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