Frog Kissing

Not only did a true friend come for coffee in an unheated house on Wednesday, she brought with her two chocolate frogs for His Lordship and me to kiss. Although I am drawn to speculate what might happen if kisses made princes ( it would have to be princesses for HL), I am more likely to find out what happens when they are devoured whole in three bites. All will be revealed tonight.

The heating engineer escaped the Dower House with his life yesterday after finally sending hot water coursing through our radiators. The irony of course about this sorry tale is that the only day we had visitors was the coldest day of the week at 8°. Today the temperature outside is a balmy 14° and inside without the heating on, it is reasonably warm.

To add to the excitement in the Dower House, the lights suddenly went out about 11pm last night. After checking it wasn't a fault in our fuse box, HL phoned the concierge but discovered our phone was out of action. He then phoned using his mobile to discover their phone was out of action. At this point we both turned over and went to sleep to be wakened an hour later when the lights came on again.
Life is never dull in this neck of the woods.

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