
By bananablip

In transit

Apologies for the lousy blip. Pretty much my only options today have been the inside of a plane, the inside of a minibus or the inside of my room - so there you go. Since I last blipped I have mainly been in transit. Fun. But here safely.

Met my hosts in KL, where I'll be until Wednesday, and had a delicious dinner (an array of Malaysian food) and some good convo before a shower and bed.

It was so nice to be greeted by that delicious heat on leaving the plane. There's nothing quite like it, especially after leaving a very grey and drizzly UK behind. I really wish we'd had the time or the energy to do a bit more exploring today but sleep is priority right now. Starting to get an idea of how the next few days is shaping up. I'm the 'youth' contingent of this trip which means I'll be speaking to the youth congregation on Sunday. That means an 11am start as opposed to Gill's 7am. As a night owl, she's pretty cross about the whole thing #megalolz

Have met some wonderful people so far. Looking forward to some exploring tomorrow!

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