Let there be light.

My turn to volunteer for Open Church today. It was fairly quiet. just the regulars, but still a great morning. Adrian came in, and after having a cuppa with us, he went up to the choir pews, to practice his flute.  I went up to listen to him, and give him some encouragement, and he said.come and sit down & choose some hymns you like, for me to practice. So I had a private concert, which was really nice. The morning just flew by, and afterwards I walked down to the gym. and spent an hour in my own little world, which isn't such a bad place to be! I didn't take any other photos , and I know I have blipped the stained glass windows before, but at this time of year, the sun shines through this particular window, which is just above where we sit. and it's magical. I am hoping that  Storm Brian, won't be as bad as they have predicted. Stay safe  & warm.

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