Quod oculus meus videt

By GrahamColling

Alien Lifeform

It was only as I was thinking of a title for the image that it suddenly struck me how alike the flower heads of this ivy before they open (top right) are with the pods from the Alien movie.  This is actually a close up of a flower carried in clusters on a peduncle.

I've upgraded to Lightroom Classic CC and Photoshop 2018.  I'm glad to say that the Nik collection still works (You just have to copy the Google Folder from your previous version of Photoshop (found in Plug-ins) to the new version.  That's probably another year without worrying about non-compatibility.

I've got to get my head around the new Lightroom CC (as opposed to Lightroom Classic CC).  This cloud based system is very much geared towards the mobile user.  Currently I'm very desk based for my catalogue of current and past images, but I'll be looking into the alternative to see if it offers any benefits.

Now hunkering down to see out Storm Brian.  here's hoping it doesn't cause too much damage and injury.

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