Good day

Well, I needed that. Good order from lovely customers, plus "NCA" (new customer advertising) took me past £1K for the week - not the £2K I need on average to hit my year target, but a darn site closer than I was expecting.
And with no evening appointments (and my decent pay from previous month) was able to take my daughters out to their favourite eatery, The Greyhound. Contrary to the evidence in the photo (still don't like having their picture taken!) it was a very agreeable evening, discussing all and sundry, from Horace the poet to Mary Shelley to the death of original "electro" music, to politics and communism, the critical importance of empathy, and a myriad of other topics. Anecdotes from their current educational settings suggest they are both thriving and loving where they are, so that was lovely to hear. Bex even stayed in the car chatting for half an hour after N had gone in.
Seeing N by herself on Sunday (she's coming round to the flat) so that's an incentive to take it easy on the booze at the "Champions Dinner" tomorrow so I can get back by midday and have a decent chunk of time with her. Also an incentive to get the flat tidied before then!!

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