Light & sight

By CameronDP

Lieutenant pigeon

There is a particular gang of pigeons that hang around in the town centre. Watch them for a few days and you start to notice individuals - for example there's the little one with the odd milky feathers and the old one with a gammy leg (no foot - just a pinky stub!) They look like rough, tough, hard-living pigeons, always ready for a rumble: just yesterday, for instance, I saw them getting into a particularly feathery flap over the remains of a ham sandwich.
They are not in the slightest bit bothered about people: they let you get right up close without bothering to even look up from their pecking patrols. And then every so often one or another of them puffs out the feathers around their necks and just sits there chilling, watching their beaky colleagues peck-peck-pecking and the world turning around them.

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