Really tired this evening, just in from Glasgow where I spent the afternoon with Andrew. He seemed much happier today which was good.
Had another bad day as I went for my flu jab this morning, the time was 8.30am to 11.00am and as the surgery had not opened and I was fifteen minutes early I hung about, and at 9.45am I headed home to discover that I had looked at the wrong page in my diary and it is next Saturday morning. Grrrrrrrr. Then I left for the bus and as I reached the top of the road, the bus flew past. Oh and I got completely soaked on my dog walk. Now I am having a glass of wine, my meal is in the oven and I am watching the practise of the Grand Prix.
Hope you have all had a lovely day and thank you for all the stars and hearts for yesterday's blip.
My little garden robin was at least singing this morning, hope you like him.

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