A little bit of history...

The only weekend in recent months that I have been able to spend at home is being devoted to trying to put back together the interior of the house which has been disrupted by a whole host of building work during the summer and then interior decoration which has moved from room to room but finished last Friday.

So today  involved moving boxes , packing and unpacking  and putting up pictures.

Inevitably in that process you find things you had forgotten, like this little plant pot tab , of which there were hundreds of thousands produced in 1992 in order to advertise the bona fides of bedding plant growers in Lanarkshire who the previous year had taken part in a wonderful project which re-created Van Gogh's "Sunflowers" in a wheat field in the Borders.   

I managed the publicity for the project as I was living just above the Clyde Valley at the time and had friends and neighbours who were plant growers.   However it was almost  a PR disaster as the full flowering had been due to be unveiled on what turned out to be the day of the Russian coup until an enterprising journalist on The Times got wind of the project and , although we had been very tight lipped about the location, managed to find it with a helicopter .

Consequently  it was headline news on television (a little clip is here : https://vimeo.com/86230593 ) and was splashed across the front of many newspapers a week before we felt we were ready.

It turned out to be a lucky break for something I still think of as an amazingly mad but inspired adventure, masterminded by a young grower called Andrew Scott who had vision and ambition and I hope still does.  

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