7.day of CBSeason challenge: the last flower

Today my husband left to South-Korea to pre-study the Olympics locations and meet the people...

Same time at home me and kids did some garden cleaning for winter and I found this very last flower from the garden. It is a rose in a pot, a gift that my husband bought me in mothers' day in may. So the rose can be the season colour of the day...

Thanks for the Blip Community for Coloured Season Theme

In the evening I visited to Veittijärvi and bathed in sauna again. Only +0,5c air temperature, water in the lake felt warmer, I think it was about 6-8c. Smoke sauna is mild and my favourite, but today I spent time also in the normal sauna, temperature about 90c I guess. Feeling very relaxed evening after that back home. Watched television and second screen with teens. And using Flightradar24 apps, we cheked where hubby flies..


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