
By trabroun

Clean knickers

This picture now hangs on our kitchen wall.
It was our wedding anniversary when we were on holiday and I had forgotten to take a present with me and even more embarrassing, not even a card! Now you would expect something a bit better than that as it was our silver wedding anniversary!
We had been out walking late one evening and came across a fabulous American Craftsman shop which sold loads of unique items - ah ha, perhaps I can get a present - at short notice.
Well I came out with three pictures for Mr T ( oops me), this being one of them.
How many times had you heard that when you were growing up, we laughed as we both work in healthcare and I used to specialise in A&E and trauma, and trust me, from a professional's point of view, whether you have clean knickers on, is last on our priority list! We want to ensure you are breathing conscious orientated and not bleeding!
Mr T topped it off with a smile and giving me an anniversary card congratulating me on my wedding anniversary...... my ruby anniversary... it might have / does feel that long but is it being married for 25 years versus 40 years!

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