
By rainbowsparklie

Silly Billie

Meet Billie.

Billie doesn't normally give me the time of day abut she's poorly at that moment so welcomed lots of cuddles and attention. I welcomed the opportunity to have silly 5 minutes too.

I had the very important job of keeping Billie occupied whilst AP diligently cooked for me. To Billie's dismay that meant becoming the subject of my homework assignment. This one, I think, is exposure compensation button set on -2. Regretfully all of Billie's shots are out of focus I hadn't thought through the 'action shot' bit that would be required. Cat's don't sit still do they?

Action shot wise, I could have also posted the young cheerleaders doing their stuff in Westfields earlier. I have one of a girl flying mid air which would have been ace if the focus was on her!

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