Won't you help me share my load
So, after 9 months of digging, and building and planting, we asked for a swapsie, to the Sunny Side of the Street.
Whilst we adore Plot 45, Shade was not something we thought would factor in our Allotment dreams, but it figured big. The trees which surround the allotment, and keep out the world, and the noise also kept out the sunshine.
We were allocated a lovely new plot, right in the centre of the Allotments, right next to the Water Tanks, and a picnic bench. It's been tended by a range of allotmenteers over the last year, who were looking after it for the owner who was ill. So although its a little over grown, there is not half as much work to be done as we had when we started Plot 45.
Today, we cut back some of the raspberries so that the path was cleared. We both dug over a patch each, dug in manure, raked it over, and then Himself planted the garlic and onions, and I replanted some of my leeks from home.
I did of course play them some Sinitta just so that they knew they were at home, and just to make extra sure I did a bit of Disco dancing around them. Himself took himself off, to have no part in it.
Then we came home. And we remembered the pain of starting the allotment. I stood in the kitchen, and I had to remove my clothes, and put bags on my feet, so as to get up the stairs without getting mud on the carpet.
And now, we sit here... aching, and moaning.
But secrety delighted about the new plot, and waiting for a sunny day, to enjoy it's benefits.
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