The ‘Real’ Thing

I find myself strangely downbeat following two consecutive nights of ‘Facetime’ phone calls with Joshua.
Not gaunt but thinner in the face, hair still at No2 length all over and looking tired.
He is happy, content and doing well but looking at him you get that ‘tug’ at the heart strings as his choice of career propels him quicker into adulthood than you anticipated. I know he is still sixteen but now living in a mans world, I look forward to seeing him in a little over a week and giving him a hug.
Today’s photograph was taken in the summer when he was a cadet, it’s a bit more serious for him now.

At home it was the Madron Trafalgar Commemoration Service this morning. An hour each way but worth it just to sit in that small historic church and soak up the atmosphere.

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