Always inconstant...

By bikeyPete

In love with a nothing

In billowed misty spirals, my breath cascaded into the air, tumbling over until gone. Joy at the watching as evidence of my being joined the cold silent still air. Here, standing alone, witnessing the night give way to a most beautiful dawn, there is a love, a love of just being.

People in their cars dash by, a mad harsh movement against the slowness of the creeping dawn. My fingers are a little chilly and my scarf feels nice around my neck. A small bird chirrups in the hedge near me and it brings a smile. Simple pleasures.

From darkness so solid, the day begins its journey. My day started in the pitch, endless feeling night, now, how quickly day brushes away the suddenly frail dark. Autumn brings such wonder, these cold mornings are like watching fireflies glow, transient and magical, to be grasped and held in the palm of your hand like a precious gift.

So the day starts....another journey.....I wonder where it will take me today?!

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