
By avilover


Woke with the sun this morning and went for a walk along the beach. Glorious is a good term for the kind of morning it was. There was a warm breeze; the light of the sun shone unencumbered, metallic, casting everything in a yellow hue while backlighting the Brown Pelicans diving for fish in the bay. I watched and photographed them as they dove over and over again for breakfast. They would circle a patch of the water once or twice, then abruptly arrest midair and plummet and spiral downwards, harpooning through the water and bobbing up with a fish-filled pouch, before flapping their wings into a running take off to do it all over again. At one point, seemingly without a word or glance exchanged between them, these two joined up and did the whole process completely in sync, three times in a row. Circle, plummet, splash, take off, repeat. Then, just as nonchalantly, they went back to their individual endeavors.

Spontaneous pelican Olympics....


It was between this shot and this other one on Flickr--a lovely display of wings.

Species previously blipped on 14 Dec 2008, in Daytona Beach, FL.

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