Day Trip

We had the monsters all day today, so we thought a trip in to the museum might be in order.
So we left the car at the park & ride and got the tram in (they like the tram) and then hopped on a bus up to Chambers Street (they like the bus - not so keen on the hill).
As we arrived at the museum they decided that they were thirsty which required a trip to the cafe - where they 'needed' cake to go with the stupidly priced juice.
The Cygnet looked rather grown up ....... despite the whining.

We went up to see the Jacobite exhibition and passed a rather suggestive glass piece - it came as a bit of a surprise for some reason. Maybe because it was so out of place.
I was really surprised at how much The Cygnet enjoyed the exhibition.
Not so much by Squirrel's almost complete disinterest in all of it - apart from the shields for some reason.
I liked the wave box more then them.
While they played in the kids area on the top floor I took a couple of shots of the roofs and church toppings.

After a while the monsters informed us they were 'starving' so we headed out for lunch - which they hardly touched!
I got shots of a moody Cygnet and a thoughtful Squirrel which I like.

After that we returned to the museum for some of the interactive stuff.
Squirrel loved watching the robot collect blocks to spell out her name after she had typed it in.
The Cygnet was not happy that it misspelt his name.
It got it right on the second attempt. (I seem to remember it did that the last time we were there too).

The  textured leather and the wooden spokes on the old car caught my attention (the monsters had already expressed their shock at the size - or lack of - of a real Mini) before I went to watch them test their reactions
I am glad to say they got the same result so that didn't cause an arguement. 

By the time we headed back to the tram stop I was thoughly knackered and even the slow buses passing by seemed to be speeding past.

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