Orange Daybreak

I set the alarm a bit earlier in the hope there might be a decent sunrise over Arran this morning. When the alarm went off I got up and could see lots of heavy showery clouds and only a few glimmers of warm light through breaks in the clouds over Arran. Nothing to get excited about, so it was back to bed.

I was wakened a short time later by Mrs B who advised I was missing a nice sunrise. I wasn't totally convinced as I have fallen for this ploy before when she has been trying to get me out of bed on a cold wet morning! Anyway, I got up and had a look and yes there was some nice colour starting to break through the clouds. I dressed quickly, got on my wellies, grabbed the camera and dashed down to the river to try and find a position where I could capture the now fading colours reflected on the water. This was the first shot I took and I wished I had been 5 minutes earlier to get more time to compose it. I should have remembered from last Winter to be in position before the sun rises and have time to prepare the shot.

As I stood in the cold morning air with the rain starting to fall from a dark cloud that had appeared from the North, I could hear the Curlews on the beach, the first time I have heard them since last Winter. Then 2 pair of Mallard ducks flew down the estuary from their overnight roost at Rhonadale and headed down the coast. I cursed being too slow to capture them against the sunrise.

Seems I have forgotten quite a few things about blipping sunrises since last Winter. Hopefully, I will learn from my mistakes and sharpen up my early morning blips!

Thanks to everyone for all the stars and hearts for yesterday's concussed Chaffie, which got it into the Spotlight. Haven't seen it about today so hope its OK!

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