
We were up early this morning as Gav had a meeting to attend in Reading. The meeting was due to start at 8.30am so Gav left the house at 6am. On arrival at 8.00am he was surprised to find the venue deserted....a phone call revealed the meeting was actually scheduled for 10.30am. Guess who went to McDonalds for breakfast?????

I took my Mum food shopping, normally I get what she needs but today she fancied a wander round the aisles herself. After unpacking it for her and a quick coffee I then met a friend for lunch at Frankie & Benny's.

Home now and tea to sort out before dropping Lucy at swimming club and taking Rob to football training.

Just time for a shot of the oak leaves at the nature reserve, they are just starting to change colour but nearly all of them have this strange growth on the underside....shall google it later unless you clever blippers tell me what it is first!

Friday tomorrow.....phew!!!

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