
By Thepainterswife

Nasty and so wrong

I had a nice picture lined up for my blip today.
That changed when I took the dogs for a walk in one of our local walking areas.

Lottie ran to an area which has huge rabbit holes, I call it the rabbit village as all the holes join up. She was all excited and I thought she'd caught one, something she's never done. But when I got closer I saw that a poor rabbit was just inside the entrance of the burrow with its foot caught in a metal trap. The trap was on a chain and a long spike held it into the ground. Quite an elaborate set up.

The rabbit was still alive!

I put the dogs in the car out of the way and then phoned the SPCA who were great and arrived fairly quickly.
Meanwhile I had found two more traps.

The thing is that kids and dog walkers use this area and the possibility of them getting caught in a trap is awful to think about.

There were 4 traps found eventually.
The SPCA are taking the matter very seriously and hopefully they can find whoever has put them there ( there was a ph number tag on the traps)

Anyway I've put the word out locally about it and hopefully there are no more traps there.

The poor rabbit was takes by the SPCA to be humanely put down.

I had more graphic pictures but this one gives you enough of an idea.
I know rabbits are pests but there are better and safer ways to control them.

Bit of a ramble sorry!

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