Bright Light, Dark Room

By ellies

Halloween Comes Early in Nitten!

Thank you for the positive responses to yesterday’s Blip! Also thank you for the luck in attending the bookclub. It was fine, of course, and the people were friendly and welcoming. There was a lot more actual talk about the book than at the other bookclub I attend in Edinburgh (which is really just a reason to see friends), but that’s not a bad thing and is kind of the point!! Of course it’s a little odd being with a group of strangers, but I’ll definitely make the effort to give it another go next month.

This evening was spent with established friends in Edinburgh. Dinner at La Petite Mort and then to see “The Real Thing” at the King’s. Absolutely chosen because the very dishy Laurence Fox was in it, but a wonderful, funny, thought provoking play by Tom Stoppard. Thoroughly enjoyed.

And now I’m back in my city pad AKA my old flat and have spent an enjoyable hour catching up with my old flatmate and her chap.

I love, love, love Peebles and being near Stuart and Freya and the beautiful countryside and all the other things that I won’t list here but anyone who knows the place will understand, and a meeting on Princes Street on Monday reminded me of how much I love not living in Edinburgh anymore, but let’s just say I really appreciate opportunities to spend time with friends.

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