Technology old and new.

It will be obvious which is the old technology. It was reliable but rather slow. A steady plod but it could probably go on all day. Its main advantage was that you did not need to upgrade it every two years. And of course if you treated it well it probably gave you a degree of affection.

The new is a freestanding Apple computer monitor. Not so new really. My guess is we bought it about 16 years ago. Screen technology has developed considerably since then and the two Apple iMacs we have had in recent years have remarkable quality.

The problem is that I cannot bring myself to take the old screen to the local recycling facility and throw it into a skip. Does anyone else have this emotional blockage.

There is a computer shop in the village and I am going to give it to them, along with the computer, for nothing if they can find a home for it.

A point must come when technology is so good that it cannot be improved. I look forward to it if I am still around.

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