When life gives you lemons, make lemonade.

Thursday  mornings at our house, can go two ways. After studying the weather forecast, J will decide if he is going out on his motorbike, and then I will be going to the gym. Plan B is, we go food shopping, and that is what happened today.  Sounds simple really, but because I like to know the day before where I am going, it requires forward planning. If it's a gym day, the bag is packed the night before, with any library books that need to be returned, biscuits to call in at Open Church, and my bus pass to get home. As it was a Plan B day, I had  to get my M & S vouchers, paperwork to pick up an order I had ordered online, and decide what I was going to wear. Life  can be so complicated sometimes:-)  I dread to think what J will say when he reads this, but I can handle it. 

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