Back Blip - Catedral de Lima

A little bit of sleep and up again for some more sight seeing.  Stomach in turmoil... thankfully I was smart enough to bring medicine for the trip.

What should have been a 20 minute taxi ride became nearly an hour and a half with traffic! but in the end well worth it.

A visit to the Basilica and Monastero de San Francisco. The monastero including the catacombs required a guide, but made it worthwhile to learn the history and richness of the artworks.  Depending on your sources there are somewhere between 25,000 to 50,000 skeletal remains.  Not as scary as I had imagined, but it did leave a certain impact.  To decompress afterwards, we walked over to the Plaza De Armas including the governatorial palace, municipal palace, and the main cathedral of Lima, which also houses a museum inside.  We got about halfway through the museum before hunger overcame any other sense of cultural appreciation. So lunch was had at a nice restaurant on the plaza before heading back to the hotel to rest for another night at work.

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