
By Fincollie

Cephalaria Gigantea

or Giant Scabious. This plant is continuing to flower in the garden and I am so glad it is. It's a wonderful contrast to the fiery reds and oranges of autumn. There are several of these planted throughout the meadow and they very quickly reached full height. Well they better make the most of the remaining mild days and nights I think a change is on the way.
I took this image with my new bridge camera , zooming in against the setting sun. Going to need plenty practise with the zoom and early morning or late afternoon sun, heading out soon to be under African skies.
The extra images are some "wildlife" practise using the new residents on the farm, 3 young Alpacas who arrived a few months ago. Did you know that Alpacas hum to themselves? Very soothing to listen to.

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