Uncle Dave

I was left home alone this weekend while Dave and the kids headed to Glasgow overnight to spend time with Jo and Akira and see their new home sweet home. Akira loves her Uncle Dave, and he spends all his time with her because he rarely gets to see her. Here's them sharing some precious story time.

As for me, I partied hard. Total raver. Mad fer it. Okay so that's a lie. I gutted the kids' rooms. I had some pretty strong tea at one point. So that was hard core. I found a colony of old socks under Sam's bed. I felt it could have featured in Springwatch as a new ecosystem. I had a gin after finding that and then went and talked the washing machine into doing a sock makeover. Good as new by the morning and back in the wardrobe ready to be worn and lost down the side of the bed again at some future date.

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