Precious Flower

Work today took me on an interesting drive to North London for half an hour and back again. I was ever so brave having never actually driven in London before (that I can remember!). I had no idea where I was but with the help of the satnav, I eventually got to where I was supposed to be, and only 10 minutes late!!! Not bad going. 

However the journey home was a bit trickier as it was rush hour, raining and getting dark. I had car, bikes, lorries and people flying at me from all angles and was pretty relieved to have got home 6 and a half hours later still in one piece!!!!

I took a picture of this very late flower in the garden this morning and it reminded me of me!!! A delicate little flower just bobbing about in the wind and rain, a little bit out of its comfort zone but blooming well!!!

And today I'm feeling much better - thank you to those of you who showed concern! I have no idea what the pain was but it only lasted 3 days and today its gone!

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