
By Veronica

Vieilles pierres

Quickly snapped in the chateau this evening. See also: palimpsest. This house was bought by some eastern Europeans about ten years ago. They "renovated" it in cowboy builder fashion, spent a couple of summers there, and haven't been seen since. It's gradually disintegrating.

In other news, Mystère crept home in the small hours and curled up quietly on the end of the bed. Daylight revealed that a) he'd lost his collar again and b) his right eye was swollen, half-closed, and weeping. Sigh. Off we went to the vet again; he's on first-name terms with all the staff. As usual, however courageous he is in his fights, the minute he saw the vet he buried his face in my jumper. Then I had to hold onto him while the vet anaesthetised his eye and examined it to make sure there was nothing embedded in it. Fortunately there wasn't, so it was antibiotics yet again, and some eyedrops. We adopted him for nothing, but he's cost more in vet bills than all the other cats I've ever had. I've spared you the photo of his injuries.

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