Words Apart

By captaincustard


For me, today was spent doing the Barcelona Tourist Bus routes - I didn't stop at any major attractions, as I need  to wait for hubby to be free before doing that! A lot of my photos are from slightly quirky angles, as they were from wherever the bus went. Some were also horribly out of focus, as the bus did have a habit of moving. I also got photobombed by trees and street furniture!

There are so many things in this city which sound fascinating to visit, so we need to choose our attractions wisely, as they are also all very expensive.

But the real story of today is the political one in Barcelona. The local government declares independence; the national government dissolves the local parliament. There was definitely a sense of celebration on the streets, but this could now go anywhere depending on how people react.

Just as long as there's no strike, we'll be fine!

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