Folkie Booknerd

By Folkiebooknerd

Special Bru!

You may recall that about three weeks ago I was disappointed not to see bru89 busking in Liverpool with The Wishing Well Band. Well, today they were back in town and I had better luck!

I made it down to Lord Street in time to see Bru and her bandmates playing up a storm to the delight of the local populace (I even spotted my CEO buying one of their CDs!)

Unfortunately, one member of said local populace turned out not to be a music-lover and made a complaint so the band were 'moved on' by the authorities... A real shame as I thought they were excellent and I'd have loved to hear them play for much longer. Come back soon guys!

Anyway, the enforced abrupt end to proceedings meant that I got a chance to have a bit of a chat with the lovely Bru who was as delightful as I'd expected her to be. Good to meet you Bru - you rock!

As if that wasn't excitement enough, I've just been to see 'Untouchable' with my friend Inez. It's a fantastic film!

Thanks for your support yesterday everyone. I'm feeling much more positive as a result! x

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