Now we have everything

By Gembop

The Before: Mummy Mecca

Today Robin and I were a couple on a mission: to start the nursery.

Our house has two really good size bedrooms and a smaller third room that's perfectly baby-sized. Of course, when we moved here back in March we weren't really thinking we'd need it straight away so I went to town turning it into my walk-in wardrobe/dressing room.

I wanted to enjoy having the room for as long as possible before Bump arrived but I'm glad we chose this weekend to start this rather than in a few weeks time. It was a big job! I also wanted to capture a couple of photos of it for austerity hence today's blip and my first Blipfolio entry: me in my dressing room.

Emptying it out took a good couple of hours and that was just moving everything into our bedroom and the guest room. I always forget how much of a hoarder I am. We also had a casualty- one of the big shelving units collapsed when we tried to move it (whole). The other rooms now look like a bomb's hit them, but we'll worry about that, and where all the stuff is now going to go, tomorrow.

Instead we started building the nursery furniture set that arrived a few weeks ago. I exercised more restraint than I thought I would at holding off this long (probably knowing how big a job it would be!)

A pizza, some chicken wings and a tub of Ben and Jerry's later (plus a lot of swearing, dropping of the alan key, and general furniture imprisonment) we have a cotbed, changing table and chest of drawers up, a chair in and the beginnings of a baby room started!

Pics of the room to come once it's a little more complete :)

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