Winter Project
I had an early Physio appointment today - it again felt like torture but she said the area of injury behind my knee was smaller. She kept kneading the smaller area though, and I kept screaming!! I tell you - I’d be no good if really being tortured! I would probably tell all!
I postponed the next errand on my list - I wanted nothing more but to go home and get my strength back - over a cup of tea of course! Tea solves everything, don’t you know?
I then took my soup and banana bread (see blips from the last 2 days) and went to visit my friends in Maidenhead. We had a good lunch together, with added bread, cheese and salad. And more tea. I still felt too frail for a walk which was a pity because it was a beautiful sunny and warm autumn afternoon.
Instead, my friend and I went to a nearby knitting shop. I’ve been wanting to get a project for winter and I remembered a pattern I’d seen there a year ago. I was happy that they still had it! This was the only colour of wool that they had enough of for the project and that was OK because I probably would have chosen it anyway. I love the pretty multicoloured (circular) wooden needles.
When I’m in need of an emergency blip I will show you the work in progress.
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