Not the dentist!

Swimming first thing - remembered my cozzie :)
Bought melody some fruit after which she dropped so they gave her another.. Mostly ate this time..(some of it the second time round when she mineswept the floor :(
Then home for nap before Catherine came down from Barnstable - she's someone I met online who has the same hyperphosphatemia as me - found out we were both in Devon so meet up now and then - quite a few times now I've known her over 5 years - went for a meal at the waterfront bar - food bad - so the knocked £10 off the bill and gave me 2 x £10 vouchers for use another time! Maybe he only meant to give me one I don't know as I didn't see it was 2 until I put in my purse! Bargain!
Melody enjoyed it anyway!
Then home for muffins and tea then Cath went home and I took melody to the peninsular dental school - they loved her :) they counted 13 teeth! Gave her stickers, new tooth brush and tooth paste and good first acclimatisation visit. Then dad met us and drove home - I won ;)
Dinner then melody played with her puzzles - loving building her brio owl and trying to put shapes thro a hole (sometimes successfully but more luck than judgement!) these toys she's into at the mo.. That and carrying her baby round! Try as I might tho - I could not get the eggs to whistle!

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