Occasionally Focused

By tsuken

Lit Jacaranda

Into the city we went on Saturday. While there I photographed this gorgeous jacaranda with amazing light through its blooms.

On the flip side, as we were heading in to the railway station at Town Hall on the way home, there were a couple of homeless guys begging. One I recalled seeing there with his dog last time we were in. This time, he looked rather the worse for wear, and I don’t think was able to muster even a smile when the lad gave him a few dollars and I looked over in greeting - whereas last time he had engaged in a bit of a chat about his dog (who was still there with him).

The other guy was a bloody kid! Maybe mid-teens. Just so, so awful. He also couldn’t muster much more than momentary eye contact when missy-moo gave him some money.

I simply cannot bear the lack of care in society for our must vulnerable and worst-off.

And then there’s this...

Austerity, baby.

Maketh me to rage.

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