I’ve been photographing this tray of ripening tomatoes for a few days now just in case I did not get anything bette during the day!

Today, that came true. I got a call early this morning to say my blind elderly aunt had fallen last night, not been able to reach her alarm and had spent the night on the floor and had been found by a neighbour and the carer this morning.

So the day was spent with her finding out how she was. As the day progressed more pains appeared so after lunch 111 was called and a doctor came out around 5. Suspected fractured shoulder so ambulance was called. By 7 she was on her way to A&E where X-ray was done quickly - no fracture just bruising - then a head scan. I left her around 11pm to go back and check other cat then to have some food and relax.

Throughout all the staff were helpful and considerate and I am happier she is in good hands! Long day and not quite what I expected. And glad I blipped when I did!

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