I popped up to village taking the camera in the search of a blip and this is the best of the bunch. I love the vivid pink and green of the red campion on the bank of a field of grass.
Unbelievably I saw small amount of blackthorn blossom! I know it's been mild but surely this is just ridiculous. I must go back on a brighter day and get some better photos as they ones I came back with were very blurry.
I've started listening to a wonderful audiobook from the library Black Roses by Jane Thynne. It's the first in a historical fiction series about an English actress, Clara Vine, who goes to Berlin just as Hitler comes to power. It's narrated by Julie Teal one of favourite narrators, who has the perfect voice for this era.
- 22
- 1
- Fujifilm FinePix S1
- 1/125
- f/5.6
- 201mm
- 160
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