Canon Can

By Trotter

Wild Koalas!

I set off this morning down to Cape Otway lighthouse (I don't have an obsession with these, there are just plenty of them!) and having walked to the top of the lighthouse and gotten some beautiful pictures, I was happy, safe in the knowledge I had my blip for the day. I was driving back through a remove road, when there were suddenly a lot of tourists stopped on the side of the road, looking up towards the tree's... Koala's everywhere!! There must have been 30 koalas, mostly asleep but other males calling and barking in the trees above. After a time spent here (and several photo's later) I headed on to Otway Fly and Triplet falls. More waterfalls in the heart of the rainforest. I have done so much walking today, before finally getting the to the 12 Apostles. They are breathtaking! Unfortunately the sun shone in the wrong direction for me not to get a slightly washed out photo but I have them locked into my memory and I will head back out tomorrow morning when the sun will be the other side to get my perfect photo. I also walked down the so called 86 Gibson steps to the beach below.... I counted them... there are 84. Now, I'm not going to stand here and declare that all the books are wrong as I was not dedicated enough to walk them again to clarify that 2 steps are missing. But I know how many there really are... just saying!!

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