Secret window

On a windy day like today photographing anything was a challenge. Not as much challenge as riding a bike with a pannier ;-)

I have no idea what this window is about. In the foreground is a lump of old screwed up electrical wire. Behind the glass appears to be wooden doors. Things to do with Forestry and Forest Engineering lurk behind.

It might be plain, it might be another sterling example of late '60s early '70s Stalinist architecture, but it is safe.

A thoughtful blip on Cranmer Courts. I feel sad for those whose hopes and dreams have come to an end. For all I dislike about the mighty CERA I'm glad they have taken decisive action and demolition has begun.

Enough people have died and suffered horrendous injuries in the earthquakes. A real effort was made to investigate restoration but pockets aren't deep enough. I'll feel safer driving or biking past once it's down.

Now for the cathedral...

Sleep now. Hopefully tomorrow the weather will be good enough to bond with the garden.

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