Lali's World

By Lali

Afternoon light on a crab cage

Friday 27th, the day that Catalonia declared independence from Spain. I was trying to get a more appropriate image but I couldn't find one.

I had a day off and, again, I couldn't have a long lie in because I had a doctor's appointment in the morning. Oh well, never mind...

As my appointment was in St Andrews and it was a nice day, Scott and I spent most of the day there and did some shopping.

In the afternoon, when I heard about the declaration of independence, I had mixed feelings about the whole thing because of the circumstances under it was happening and the consequences of it. Back home, separatists were celebrating, but some people were just cautiously happy.

There was a beautiful light at the harbour in the afternoon and I took a few pictures. Then we went to the pub for a drink.

Early night for me as I had to get up early on Saturday for work.

Thanks very much for all your lovely comments and stars. I hope you all had a good Friday! :)

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