Poor little robin was all fluffed up to try and stay warm as it was really really freezing, with a heavy frost this  morning. Did not have a great start to my morning as I was on my way to see the sunrise when I tripped on a loose paving slab and down I went with a bang. Luckily I did not fall on the dogs and also did not break my camera. However I have done something, I think I have twisted everything in my left arm, as I cannot tie my shoes and other things. If it is not a bit better tomorrow I think I will need to go to A&E.
Managed with difficulty to drive to the care home, where at least hubby was looking really well, although he was coughing a lot.
Well as I watched the Grand Prix until late last night and am not feeling that  good, I think I will have a bath and go to bed early.
The extra is hubby having his favourite M&S cake and a chilled coffee which he really enjoyed.

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