birthday rose bud

I was so chuffed to get flowers from John on my birthday a month ago - well 5 September - that I have been nursing them along to last. there are now four left, which really will have to be sent to flower heaven today. this is one bud that never opened. I am still struggling with my macro lens, but I wanted to focus on the hairy bits and I think this is OK.

John has also given me a horrendous head cold, so am not feeling at my greatest today. this afternoon we are going for a visit to the Glasgow Museums Resource Centre - where they keep all the stuff they can't display - with a view to organising a steam-boaters winter guided tour of all the steamy bits - if you see what I mean. there's sure to be masses of blip opportunities, but straight after we are going to friends for dinner and I doubt I'll feel like messing about at 11 tonight. so my birthday rose bud is my blip for today.

hope everyone has a great weekend!

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