In case you ever needed to know what 3.6 kilos of fresh olives looks like.
Very relaxed day today. Early cloud soon cleared to give an unexpectedly clear, sunny, hot day. So, after some early work, out into the garden to tackle the weeding mountain. Bliss. And a chance to get all caught up on the latest Archers drama.
Mr B brought news later that we might have our first frost tonight (though given we don't need any heating tonight it seems unlikely) so all hands on deck (literally) to pick the olives. This time Mr B (just) won the guess the weight contest.
So tomorrow (after a too-early trip to the airport) I will be processing olives and spending a happy time wallowing in blip memories looking for ChaiseLongue's fast method for olives.
Yesterday is backblipped and, as explained there, the rest follows in due course.
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