Sense of doubt

A few weeks ago, the Minx and I were invited to the tenth anniversary party of some Twitter/Instagram friends and, as we normally do, we said "Yes, please!". It was not only an opportunity to meet some people I was sure we'd like but they also throw very good parties. 

This last week, though, it's been bugging me a bit. On reflection, I think because this is my weekend with Dan and Abi, and I don't like being away instead of seeing them (reflected by this rather maudlin shot I took in Morecambe, this afternoon). I knew they'd be fine; Charlie had said she'd come up and sibling-sit, and I was sure they'd have a great evening with her. 

Whatever the reason, though, unusually I found myself wondering if it was really worth the effort. These were social media friends we hadn't met face to face before, and a big party seemed hardly the best place to meet people for the first time. And would we even know anyone else there?

But we'd said yes and that was that, and this evening we set off for Formby. Once we were on our way, I felt a lot more chipper about it and more like my usual self. 

And do you know what? I'm delighted we went! It turned out that our friend Gibbzer was there and she introduced to us to the people on her table, two of whom were Twitter friends of mine, plus we met JoeTheDough and MrsTheDough, whom I follow on Instagram, and they could not have been lovelier or more fun. In the end, it was a fantastic evening: happy anniversary, Soulla and The Viking!

-13.5 kgs
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